Vytištěno z internetového portálu CWS ANB (www.cws-anb.cz), dne: 17.06.2024
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IIW 2023 Welded Art Photographic Exhibition
Datum: 8.2.2023
Autor: Chris Smallbone, Exhibition Organiser, IIW President 2005-2008

I am contacting you with a request for CWS-ANB to promote the “IIW 2023 Welded Art Photographic Exhibition: Progressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2023 Digital Collection” through your various CWS-ANB networks.

The direct link to the IIW website and the invitation is http://iiwelding.org/news/76th-iiw-annual-assembly-and-international-conference-on-welding-and-joining-welded-art-exhibition-2

I have also attached a formal invitation which can also be passed on to any of your contacts whom you feel may be interested. The Collection will be launched at the IIW Annual Assembly to be held from 16th to 21st July 2023 in Singapore and promoted extensively around the world.

The “2023 Digital Collection” will include a wide range of exhibits covering the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals wherever possible. Anybody can submit an exhibit to me at allbones@iinet.net.au for consideration up until the end of March 2023. More details are in the invitation.

Participants are likely to include career artists, hobby artists, welders, teachers, instructors and young artists amongst others. They may include exhibits using standard welding and cutting processes as well as emerging technologies.

The final number of exhibits to be included in each Goal is flexible. For information on the Goals you can link to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_Development_Goals or consider the list and diagram shown below which indicates the subject of each Goal. The 51 Member country International Institute of Welding (IIW) is a not-for-profit organisation and there will be no charges/fees/stipends/income/proceeds/sales involved in this exhibition. The organisation and administration is done on a voluntary basis, with the practical costs for the exhibition being carried by the IIW. Since it is a photographic exhibition, there is no need for artists to be present, and no onerous shipping/set-up of bulky exhibits is required.

IIW recently held three welded art exhibitions in Slovakia in 2019 and due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, virtual ones in 2020 and 2021. The IIW digital document “Welded Art Virtual and Live Exhibitions and Competitions-2022 Digital Collections” which was made available to the public after the 2022 IIW Annual Assembly in Tokyo is available on http://iiwelding.org/news/welded-art-virtual-live-exhibitions-competitions-2022. If you are also aware of other people in your networks at companies, universities, research groups, colleges, art groups etc who may be producing welded artwork, I would be grateful if you would send me their contact details and I will contact them directly. Alternatively, you may wish to pass this information personally including giving them the link http://iiwelding.org/news/76th-iiw-annual-assembly-and-international-conference-on-welding-and-joining-welded-art-exhibition-2

I look forward to your positive response.

Thank you for your help


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